To enable the PasswordAuthentication follow these steps: Also, you may want to confirm if the servers firewall is blocking the request from your platform server (not from your computer). The problem seems to be that Filezilla needs a failed command to notice that the server connection has disconnected. A second attempt imediately after that forces Filezilla to relogin and then the command executes. If you’re having issues accessing the console you can then reach to our amazing support team that can help you further with this. After a sftp server times out, the next command issued by Filezilla doesn't execute. This change can be made from DigitalOcean’s console. You can then modify your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file to add the appropriate public key. Once set to Yes restart the SSH service and connect via an SSH client for a more stable connection. You can enable PasswordAuthentication for your Droplet by modifying your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/mykey currently, you can not connect using ssh-key and the PasswordAuthentication is disabled you can follow the steps below:.Transfer mode is set at passive I have tried it with and without 'Send FTP Keep Alive Commands' - makes no difference. I can see the file in my host directory but it's not the complete file (approx 12mb). filezilla then restarts the upload (at about 40). Using the wrong port when making a connection Use SFTP default number port (22) instead of the FTP port (21) Misconfiguration in your FileZilla Client editing the configurations through FileZilla’s Network Configurations Wizard. You can also use the ssh-copy-id command in order to do so. Error: Disconnected from server: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted.